Hilfe für Schwangere in Not

You are unplanned pregnant and don't know what to do? You had a suspicious prenatal screening and are concerned about your baby's health? You have had an abortion and have not yet processed the experience? Are you being pushed by your partner, a family member, or someone else?

No woman is forced to have an abortion out of necessity. Here on this page, you will find a list of numerous help and support services:

Illustration einer Frau vor einer Entscheidung

Pregnancy can bring up a variety of different emotions, from joy to panic. Here on this page, you will find a list of numerous offers of help and support. It is a crime to force someone to have an abortion, punishable by imprisonment from 6 months to 5 years.

If you know of an organization that should be added to our database, please let us know!

sundaysforlife is not officially affiliated with any organizations, homes, centers, or agencies listed here.

Selected: After an abortion, Germany, Agape Haus (back)


Agape Haus


Unser Haus des Lebens hat eine offene Tür für Menschen, die in Not sind, unabhängig von Religion und Nationalität. Träger ist der Verein "Leben Bewahren Lübeck e.V." der aus einer Initiative von Christen verschiedener Konfessionen hervorging.

Wir helfen praktisch:

- alleinerziehenden Müttern und Vätern, sowie deren Kindern
- Schülern
- Jugendlichen

und bieten an:

- Beratung
- Hilfe für Babys (Aktion Findelkind, die Lübecker Babyklappe)
- Auf Wunsch Vermittlung fachkundiger Hilfe bei anonymer Geburt


Leben bewahren Lübeck e.V.
Mengstraße 62
23552 Lübeck


Telefon: 01 60 / 804 30 41
Telefon: 04 51 / 706 01 91


  • Crisis pregnancy center   |

  • Bureaucratic help   |

  • After an abortion   |